
Equal in His Eyes


This is the word that could be associated when talking about Adam, the first person on earth. God told him to take care of His creations and so he did. But God said,
It is not good for man to be alone.
So He got a rib from Adam and made Eve. From then on, the two were partners in crime. They brought the best out of each other.

 Man and woman complement one another. Man will not exist without woman and woman will not exist without man. The two need each other to survive. When one falls down, the other sacrifices and extends a hand to help the fallen rise again.

But now, everything is different. Instead of being allies of each other, they compete. Instead of pushing one another for progress, they pull. God made men strong to defend the women but when you look around, you'll see battered wives, abused women and molested young girls.

Gender equality is a human right. It is just one of the rights neglected and disregarded. Because of our desires to be on top, we tend to forget that God treats us just the same. Rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak, man or woman, He loves us with no doubt.

Everyone is equal, everyone is responsible for one another. What we do unto others, we are doing it to God. So let us respect on another and remember that we are all equal in His eyes - no men, no women, just His beloved people.#

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